
About us

We set out to build a world-class gin distillery in Australia’s beating cultural heart – Melbourne. Following years of perfecting, experimenting, and refining, we launched a distillery in the urban heart of the city. Patient Wolf was born; from the ground up, right here in Melbourne.

About us

We set out to build a world-class gin distillery in Australia’s beating cultural heart – Melbourne. Following years of perfecting, experimenting, and refining, we launched a distillery in the urban heart of the city. Patient Wolf was born; from the ground up, right here in Melbourne.

Our gin

It’s certainly taken a fair journey of time, distance and endeavour to get here, but we’d like to think we balance our patience with hunger to create something pretty damn good. In a not so unique story, we became less interested in the norm and wanted change.

Our local bar provided the perfect venue for therapy sessions and sowed the seeds for our own distillery. More importantly, we wanted to build something with our own hands and have more pride and ownership of what we’re creating.

We’re big supporters and followers of the movement towards local, food, beers and spirits, and are inspired by the global success of boutique Australian brewers and distillers. So, we used our passion for craft and a bit of Dutch courage to research, discover, beg, steal, drink and learn from some of the best around the world. Building a plan was mixed with ‘tasting’ loads of Gin. (Then, on the next day, we re-wrote the plan). Now, a few years on, the hunger and patience has rewarded us with a considered creation made with purpose. Pretty unique.

We hope you dig it – Matt and Dave.


Patient Wolf is relentless and ruthless in the pursuit of crafting premium Australian Gin. It took time, jet-lag, hangovers and the best part of three years to launch our creation. We shared and refined, listened and learned. Good things take time.

We believe in a new wave of unrestrained craft-led influence that respects tradition yet challenges the future. That blend of old and new is best typified by our handmade, 220L Müller copper still, custom built in Germany. It took a year to make and it uses a new technology, which increases copper contact with the spirit to produce a more pure, aromatic and refined distillate.


Patient Wolf flows from a contemporary interpretation of Gin distilling. Since its creation in the 17th Century, there has never been a more used spirit to create controversy or classic cocktails. We’ve come a long way since NYC ‘Speakeasies’ (Have we?) and Prohibition.

The crucial mix of attitude, insight, knowledge, native and exotic botanicals, citrus, pure Australian water and our innovative distilling process define our hand-crafted Gin. As new guardians of cocktail culture, heritage, flavour and distilling, we endeavour to create modern-classics that aim to inspire.